Student Visas.

This visa offers foreign students the opportunity to study a variety of Trade or Diploma courses and Bachelor, Masters and Ph.D. degrees or to study the English language.


Student (subclass 500)

This visa allows international students to participate in an eligible course of study in all levels of education in Australia.

You can…

  • stay for up to 5 years and in line with your enrolment

  • travel in and out of Australia

  • include family members (your partner or you or your partner’s dependent child under the age of 18yrs) when you lodge your visa application

You must…

  • be enrolled in a course of study in Australia

  • hold Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), or fall in one of the exemption categories

  • be 6 years or older

  • prove you have a welfare arrangement if you are under 18

Student Guardian (subclass 590)

This visa allows guardians who support a child who holds a student visa to visit or stay in Australia. The length of your visa will be determined by the student visa holder’s stay and their age.

You can…

  • come to Australia to provide care and support for a student visa holder who is under 18 years of age or older due to exceptional circumstances

You must…

  • be the student's parent, custodian or relative who is 21 years or older

  • have enough money to support yourself and the student during your stay

  • be able to provide accommodation, welfare, and other support