Visitor & Working Holiday Visas.

The Visitor visa allows you to visit friends and family, cruise or have a holiday for up to 12 months. You can also apply for business visitor reasons for up to 3 months.

The Working Holiday visa is a very popular way to experience Australia. This visa allows 18 to 30-year-olds to study, travel and work for up to 12 months for one employer for up to 6 months during that year. You'll have to hold a passport from an eligible country.


Visitor (subclasses 600, 601)

This visa stream lets you visit Australia as a tourist, to go on a cruise or to see family and friends. It also allows you to visit for business reasons.

You can…

  • visit for up to 12 months as a tourist

  • visit family or friends

  • for business purposes (subclass 601):

    • visit for up to 3 months at a time

    • make general business or employment inquiries

    • investigate, negotiate, sign or review a business contract

    • undertake an activity as part of an official government visit

    • take part in a conference or trade fair, but you can't be paid by the organisers

    • Business visitors cannot:

      • work for or provide services to a person, business or organisation

      • sell goods or services to the public

You must…

  • intend to come to Australia to visit only

  • have enough money for your stay in Australia

  • not work in Australia


Working Holiday (subclass 417)

This visa lets people 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) have an extended holiday in Australia and work here to help fund their trip. If you hold an Irish, French or Canadian passport you can apply if you are up to 35 years old (inclusive).

You can…

  • do short-term work in Australia to help pay for your holiday

  • study for up to 4 months

  • travel to and from Australia as many times as you want

  • apply for a second and third Working Holiday visa if you meet certain eligibility criteria

You must…

  • have a passport from an eligible country (unfortunately South African passport holders do not qualify)

  • be 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) (or if you hold an Irish, French or Canadian passport you can apply up yo 35 years old (inclusive))

  • apply from outside Australia

  • not be accompanied by dependent children